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New Residents Perspective in a Time of Social Restrictions

It wasn't easy to say goodbye to our home, neighbors and friends.  And letting go of this security and familiarity during the uncertainty of this pandemic filled us with concern and apprehension.  But, during the week before our move to RiverMead, as social restrictions were being eased in the world, we were alarmed to witness in our town a wide-spread disregard for the protective practices that keep us all safe. Knowing that we were about to move into a community that was navigating these challenges with real care, commitment, skill and wisdom gave us great peace of mind.

It has been two weeks since our move to RiverMead and that peace has only deepened. We feel warmly welcomed, thoughtfully tended to, and respectfully protected.  And to our great surprise and delight, our beautifully renovated apartment already feels like home.  RiverMead's sincere commitment to the welfare of its residents has allowed our transplanted roots to quickly nestle down into the comforting and familiar depths of spirit that nourish and bless our lives.  We are deeply grateful to be here – especially at this time.

Cathy Jay and Ave Damelio

RiverMead Team Pulls Together!

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