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Bridging the Gap - "Great Turn-out"

Jennifer Coles, Manager of Sales and Marketing

We had a great turnout and a very engaged group of attendees for our Resident Panel Presentation, followed by lunch in the Mead dining room.

"I'm just not ready yet" are words we often hear when speaking with prospective residents.  Many are just like you - examining what a next step might be.Downsizing from a large home or re-locating to be nearer family.  Whatever the case may be, they are looking for advice and guidance beyond a "place to live".  They want to know - "When is the right time? What if I am not ready for the emotional idea of moving?  What does RiverMead offer that I cannot get at home?  What exactly are the benefits of a LifeCare contract?"

Happily, we also hear these words after a person becomes a resident – "I wish I had done this sooner". 

The Panel was asked to share their personal wisdom surrounding these concerns, to provide advice, inspiration, encouragement and motivation to attendees to take the next step.

The discussion centered on their firsthand experience of moving to RiverMead, a non-profit LifeCare retirement community.Four residents shared their unique stories of why they chose RiverMead- but the common thread was the overwhelming consensus that making a move sooner rather than later was not only easier but beneficial in the transition. The peace of mind and freedom far outweighed the loss of home ownership.  

One resident spoke about the ease of giving up the household chores and tasks that had become a burden for him and his wife.  They also recognized that while they enjoyed the greater community they lived in, it was changing, and they were ready to look forward to a new chapter in their life.  "Life at RiverMead means we have the time and freedom to do what we want when we want."

Another spoke about the physical and emotional nature of downsizing their home of 40 years.  "It takes a lot of work to downsize so don't do it too late. The longer you wait, the less energy and control you will have. If you take the time to plan a move, rather than finding yourself in a crisis situation, it is a smoother and easier adjustment.  A well planned move helps you to look forward to the next chapter of your life."  Friends asked this couple, "why are you moving to RiverMead now, you are young, healthy etc.?"  Their answer was simple.  "That's why we are doing it now…so we can enjoy it!  We have No regrets doing this move now".

Another panelist shared that with this new life chapter, came an opportunity to fulfill some life goals.  Maybe you want to become a painter, or be more social, exercise more - RiverMead is the place where you can explore yourself and the many things on your "bucket list".  Think about "what you are moving too instead of what you are leaving".

Bridging the Gap Resident Panel
TOP 5 Tips for Downsizing Words of downsizing wis...
Mentoring Our Future


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