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RiverMead Resident Martha Manley recognized for lifetime of service by Girl Scouts of the Green and White Mountains

Martha Manley of Peterborough, formerly of Milford, is pinned by the CEO of Girl Scouts of the Green and White Mountains, Patricia Mellor. She received a Thanks Badge for her exceptional service at a Volunteer Recognition Luncheon on May 20.

THETFORD, VT | June 21, 2018 – Girl Scouts of the Green and White Mountains honored the many volunteers who make Girl Scouts the best leadership program for girls at a luncheon on May 20 at Camp Farnsworth.

Receiving a Thanks Badge was Martha Manley of Peterborough, N.H. The Thanks Badge is a board-approved recognition that recognizes adults whose service has benefitted the entire council, and is so significantly above and beyond expectations that no other award would be appropriate.

Manley has been involved with Girl Scouts virtually her entire life, and has served at the council, national and international levels. She is a lifetime Girl Scout member and a longtime volunteer who is a member of the GSGWM Finance Committee and serves as chairman of the GSGWM Audit Committee, combining her accounting and Girl Scout knowledge to provide long-range strategic advice. She has led the capital campaign and ensured that the resources are there for the camps to grow and operate. She has secured numerous gifts and pledges to our Unleashing Her Potential campaign and major gifts campaign.

With over 50 years of volunteer service, Manley has served as a troop leader̶including an overseas troop and a Girl Guide unit in Liberia - a trainer, national delegate, campership committee member, secretary, GSGWM board member and more.

She and her husband, Frank, also owned and published the Milford Cabinet and its related weekly newspapers in Milford, NH, from 1994 until 2005. Her family owned the Cabinet from 1809 until passing it on to her.

When asked to share why she gives her time and talents to the Girl Scouts, she said, "I give because I can pay back for all that I have received. I give in thanks for what Girl Scouting offered to my daughters. I give to support girls today, to offer them the opportunities that I had. Most of all, I give because I believe that Girl Scouts builds girls of courage, confidence and character, who make the world a better place."

"Your efforts and presence in our communities across Vermont and New Hampshire are the keys to sharing our voice and strengthening the mission of our organization in building girls of courage, confidence and character," said CEO Patricia K. Mellor. "What you do, what you say, and your continued involvement has a positive and powerful influence on the lives of the more than 10,000 girls we serve."

GSGWM CEO Patricia Mellor, left, with Martha Manley, a Lifetime Girl Scout, recipient of the Thanks Badge, and a loyal supporter of Girl Scouts around the world.


Girl Scouts of Green and White Mountains

Girl Scouts of the Green and White Mountains is recognized throughout New Hampshire and Vermont as a leading expert on girls. Our innovative leadership programs help girls discover, connect, and take action as they develop strong values, a social conscience, and a deep sense of self and their potential. Through our exciting and challenging programs, Girl Scouts not only participate but also take the lead in a range of activities—from kayaking, archery, and camping, to coding, robotics, financial literacy training, and beyond! Serving more than 10,000 girls throughout New Hampshire and Vermont, girls discover the fun, friendship, and power of girls together.

Housekeeping: Recognizing years of service
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